All Mulberry staff are working from home. We check voice mail from time to time, but are more responsive to email: [email protected]. Please send us email if we can be of any assistance to you.
Mulberry Technologies, Inc., is a consultancy specializing in XML in environments that have a text design, processing, interchange, or display component.
We provide advice and support for such implementations, run facilitated Document Analysis sessions, and write DTDs and schemas.
We have experience putting together industry-wide XML Tag Sets (documented DTDs and schemas); for example, we developed and maintain the JATS Tag Sets for journal articles and books. We help users decide if a public model is appropriate for their needs and help them determine how to modify an industry DTD or schema to meet particular needs.
To organizations considering the use of XML in their publication or document-based processes, we provide a number of services:
- Presentations on the benefits, costs, and impact of XML adoption
- Consulting on adoption planning and implementation
- DTD and schema design and development
- Courses on markup standards, working with XML files, and structured-data concepts
- Independent validation and verification in XML and XSLT
Members of Mulberry’s staff have been active in declarative markup (SGML & XML) since 1984. We have extensive experience in the development and maintenance of XML applications for textual documents.
Mulberry hosts XSL-List, the JATS-List, and produces Balisage: The Markup Conference. Members of Mulberry’s staff are active in standards developments and speak regularly at conferences.