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DTD for customizable stylesheets

From: Norbert Mikula <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 16:21:33 +0100 (MET)

I took James' suggestion about how to have customizable
stylesheets for DSSSL and extended it a bit. That's the
outcome (DTD and example are XML, but SGML is pretty much the same).
James, I think we ought to include this sub-DTD here :
<!ENTITY % declarations "features | baseset-encoding |
literal-described-char | add-name-chars | add-separator-chars |
standard-chars | other-chars | combine-char | map-sdata-entity |
char-repertoire | sgml-grove-plan" >
What do you think ?. I am not an expert on architectural forms.
So I am not sure how to approach this problem (if there is
This is only a first sketch. I am sure we also can include
other aspects that you have mentioned, at a later point in time.
a possible scenario
<Variable name="%visual-acuity%">
<Description Language="English">Visual Acuity</Description>
<Description Language="Deutsch">Sehschaerfe</Description>
    <Description Language="English">Normal</Description>
    <Description Language="Deutsch">Normal</Description>
    <Description Language="English">presbyopic</Description>
    <Description Language="Deutsch">weitsichtig</Description>
<Variable name="%page-width%">
<Description Language="English">Page width</Description>
<Description Language="Deutsch">Seitenbreite</Description>
    <Type Class="Length">
      <Description Language="English">Length Specification e.g. 8.5
      <Description Language="Deutsch">Laengeneinheit z.B.
and here is a draft DTD :
<!--* ====================================================
      Customize : Define all elements that should be
      presented to the user as customizable variables
      ==================================================== *-->
<!ELEMENT Customize (Variable)* >
<!--* ====================================================
      Variable : One customizable variable
      If no value specified, then any value will do
      ==================================================== *-->
<!ELEMENT Variable (Description*,Value*) >
<!--* ====================================================
      Variable :
      Name : The name of the variable as it is used in the
      DSSSL style specification
      ==================================================== *-->
<!ATTLIST Variable

<!--* ====================================================
      Value : One possible value of the variable
      ==================================================== *-->
<!ELEMENT Value (Description*,(Content|Type)) >
<!--* ====================================================
      Type : A valid type
      ==================================================== *-->
<!ELEMENT Type (Description)* >
<!--* ====================================================
      Type :
      Class : A list of valid types for that variable
      (possible values need to be discussed)
      ==================================================== *-->
   Class (String|Number|Length) #IMPLIED
<!--* ====================================================
      Content : The actual content of the variable
      as it would be delivered to the DSSSL engine
      ==================================================== *-->
<!ELEMENT Content (#PCDATA)* >
<!--* ====================================================
      Description : Description of a variable or possible
      ==================================================== *-->
<!ELEMENT Description (#PCDATA)* >
<!--* ====================================================
      Description :
      Language : The language that has been used in the
      ==================================================== *-->
<!ATTLIST Description
   Language CDATA #IMPLIED

Best regards,
Norbert H. Mikula

= SGML, DSSSL, Intra- & Internet, AI, Java 
= mailto:[email protected] 