slide 72

The XML We Started From

<title>Fancy Apple Pie</title>

<class name="type of dish">dessert pie</class>
<class name="main ingredient">apple</class>

<title>The Pastry</title>


<quantity>1 1/2</quantity>


<foodstuff>unsalted butter, cold</foodstuff>


<foodstuff>cold water</foodstuff>

<foodstuff>flour (for sprinkling)</foodstuff>


<step><p>Make the pie crust in your usual
way. Bake blind 14 min at 400F.</p></step>


  <title>The Filling</title>

<foodstuff>tart apples, peeled</foodstuff>

<foodstuff>lemon juice</foodstuff>

<foodstuff>unsalted butter</foodstuff>



<foodstuff>heavy cream</foodstuff>




<step><p>Grate the apples, and sprinkle with lemon
juice to prevent browning.</p>

<step><p>Cook the apples and sugar gently in the
butter just to boiling. Simmer until the apples
are soft and little liquid remains. Cool.</p>

<step><p>Beat the eggs. Beat in the cream, nutmeg,
and cinnamon. Mix in the apples and pour the
mixture into the pie shell.</p>

<step><p>Bake until the custard is just set, a
bout 30 min.</p>



<source>Adapted from Angela.</source>

<yield>Serves 6</yield>

