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The DSSSL Handbook

Flow Object Class Reference

Welcome to the start of what could be a very good reference to DSSSL’s flow object classes. It is a humble beginning, but with time, and contributions, it will become a valuable resource to people using DSSSL and to people using the DSSSL flow objects with XSL.

This material is, or will be, part of the DSSSL Handbook (, which itself is a product of the DSSSL Documentation Project, a collaborative effort by users of DSSSL to write and disseminate documentation on all aspects of DSSSL for the purposes of introducing DSSSL to new users, education for both new and experienced users, and assistance for people using DSSSL.

The project draws on the combined experience of present users of DSSSL, principally those subscribed to the DSSSList mailing list (, which also hosts the discussion between project participants.

The current revision is revision 1, dated May 10, 1998.

Please send any contributions (marked up to DocBook 3.0) or suggestions for improvement to


The original form of this document is as SGML marked up using the DocBook 3.0 DTD. The SGML is available at


The SGML document has been transformed into HTML using James Clark’s Jade DSSSL engine and Norman Walsh’s db108b7 stylesheet. The HTML version is available online at


The SGML document has been transformed into RTF using James Clark’s Jade DSSSL engine and Norman Walsh’s db108b7 stylesheet. The RTF version may be downloaded with the SGML and HTML versions from